

时间:2014-10-13 14:24:42  作者:爱文具  来源:网络转载  查看:78  评论:0
内容摘要:一天晚上,夜深人静,文具盒里传来了激烈的争吵声。仔细一听,原来是铅笔小姐和橡皮小妹没有睡觉,她们在比谁更美呢!One night, late at night, stationery came the sound of a bitter quarrel. Listen close...
一天晚上,夜深人静,文具盒里传来了激烈的争吵声。仔细一听,原来是铅笔小姐和橡皮小妹没有睡觉,她们在比谁更美呢!One night, late at night, stationery came the sound of a bitter quarrel. Listen closely, the original Miss pencil and eraser young girl did not sleep, they more than anyone else in the United States it!
    只听见橡皮小妹得意地说:“瞧!你的身子瘦得跟火柴棒似的,还敢跟我比美?我才是文具王国里最好看的!”铅笔小姐不服气地说:“就你!你看看自己的样子,那胖乎乎的身子,还想当最美的?有我苗条吗?我可是文具天堂里身材最好的!”Only to hear the the rubber little sister said proudly: "Look! Your body thin with a matchstick-like, dare tell me Bimei? I'm the best-looking stationery kingdom!" Miss pencil not convinced: "you! you look at the way she looks, chubby body, but also want to be the most beautiful? slimmer you? but I Stationery heaven body the best! "
    她们你一言我一语,谁也不让谁。说到最后,竟然动手打了起来,打得可凶了,最后连各自身上好看的花纹都被对方撕掉了。They made me a phrase, who should be allowed. In the final analysis, even begin to beat up, play can be fierce, and finally even the respective nice patterns are tear.
    橡皮小妹看到铅笔小姐美丽的连衣裙没有了,哈哈大笑起来。铅笔也不示弱,她指着橡皮小妹说:“你看看自己,衣裳和裤子都没有了!”接着便是一声长笑。 Rubber little sister to see Miss pencil beautiful dress, with a laugh. Not a sign of weakness, she pointed pencil eraser young girl said: "You look at their clothes and pants are not!" Is followed by a long laugh loudly.
    这时,名嘴记者尺子姐姐来采访文具王国的两大美女铅笔小姐和橡皮小妹,却发现她们以前美丽的面容已经消失得无影无踪,看到的只是满脸的疤痕和一身的破烂。尺子姐姐问明原因后,语重心长地说:“看看你们现在的样子,好好反省一下自己吧!”At this time, the the Oprah reporters ruler sister to interview two beautiful Miss pencil and eraser stationery Kingdom little sister, but found that they had a beautiful face has disappeared without a trace, only see the face of the scar and a tattered . Ruler sister ask the reasons why, in earnest: "look at what you are now, a good reflection on yourself!"
 Since then, the two beautiful stationery Kingdom once and never appearing in public.

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